Sunday, 14 April 2013

Week 4- Animition

Birds view section

Week4- final submision

 A three level art studio & gallery, surrounding by rolling heels. With beautiful natural scenic, blue fluent and half-transparentshade in the third level cover the building like clouds.

  Bar lounge and a small cafe are shaded by blue curve.

Some trees and floral bushed surround, after visiting seat done and have a rest.

The first level of building, where owner and his friend meet. A bed room beside
for the owner best rest at noon.

A spiral stair, visits can go upstairs straightly if they don t want to  stop at reception area.

The second level is a place for owner's artwork.The space behind the stairs is a small cafe for relax and rest.

The third level is oustide area. Some bars and grills for a snack break, enjoy the sunshine.

Week3- play with texture and clients artworks

Three material I used:


Week3- a short film, Artspace - Vancouver Film School (VFS)

a good suggestion to my art space

week3- 36 textures